Coming Soon....
Support in the Community
Support in the Community
We are pleased to be able to offer an additional home based community support service. Helping people at home with daily tasks that they may need assistance in completing. Helping them live their lives more independently.
Our home help service includes: Welfare checks, Companionship, Light Housekeeping/Laundry, Transport/Trips out, Shopping & Errands, Admin Support, Doctor/Other Appointments, Post Hospital Support, Dog Walking/Vet Appointments, Accompanying on social outings, Light DIY, Bingo/Cinema Visit, Gym Buddy Service, Board Games Player,
How it works
Once you have reached out to show an interest in our helper a home community support service.
We will contact you to make an initial appointment to come and visit you in your home and find out more about the services/help you require. We will be able to discuss how many hours this maybe and which days/time works best for you!
The cost for the initial appointment is £20
This is to cover admin cost and fuel expensive
Cost & Extras
See below our prices for our Home Helper services and extras if your support requires transport or other support services.
Home Helper Service
£25 per hour
Transport/Trips out
If you require transport from your home and back the extra cost is 45p per mile.
Events Support
If you are booking a helper to attend an event. The fee for the helper will need to be covered and also for parking if required

Home Helper and Support Service with Fitness at Home
Our home help support and assistants in available in the following areas Ivybridge, Lee Mill, South Brent, Plympton, Plymouth. If you need support at home to help with loneliness, Companionship, Light Housekeeping, Shopping Trips and errands, Transport Support, Welfare Checks, Dog Walking. Admin Support, Post-Hospital Support, Doctors Appointments, Light D.I.Y, Events Assistant, Gym Buddy, Cinema Friend, Vets Appointment, Accompanying social outings, Board game player, Beach trips, Walks, Hire a Buddy or Friend to help you with daily tasks or trips out and entertainment events.